31 Days of Whispered Hope for Pastors' Wives

Dear Pastor’s Wife {Day 4}


31 Days of Whispered Hope for Pastors Wives

Dear Pastor’s Wife,

Psalm 90:17, “And let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou us.”

This verse is so precious to me. It embodies the prayer that I have long prayed for our family’s life and ministry: “God, let us see Your hand in ___________ situation.”  Wouldn’t you agree that that you can face anything if you know that God’s hand is on you and that His beauty is displayed through the work that you put your hands to? Even in seasons when God is silent, traces of His hand can still be seen. Even our opportunities to minister to the hearts of others are tokens from God that whisper, “I’m here. I’m using you. You don’t understand your circumstances, but I am busy creating beauty from your ashes. I see the work of your hands and it is a beautiful sacrifice to me. Keep going.”

God’s beauty is upon you today, friend, and your service is precious to Him. Walk on.


A Kindred Spirit

P.S. You are such a blessing to so many!

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