Life Lessons, Practical Tips, Rest, Uncategorized

Conserving Energy {And Why I Changed My Name Last Week}

Ever have those moments when you learn something about yourself that you didn’t know? I like to think that those tidbits come from God, our personal Creator, Who knows more about me than He’ll ever tell me. Last week was one of those times for me.

I found myself in a very weary spot, drained from ministry and empty from giving. Stressed more than I should have been. Desperately needing intentional rest.

By the way, have we met yet? I’m Martha, a true introvert at heart, but a busy introvert. One tasks leads to another and sitting seems like a waste of time.  I love to read, but sometimes I can’t if there’s a task looming over me that needs to be done. I was raised on a tough, consistent work ethic, and while I appreciate the character traits that come with that, I could be a workaholic if my husband wasn’t around to tell me to slow down. 🙂 {I know none of you are that way…ahem}

Well, last week I changed my name. I liked the sound of Mary, so I stepped into her world.  My schedule was unusually clear after Tuesday, so I embarked on an experiment. Wednesday through Friday I got up to feed my children, then headed back upstairs.  We have a DVD player in our bedroom, so I got Small Son all set up for school in there (instead of in the school room) and then tucked myself back in. I rested intentionally and enjoyed a more extended time with God each day. I did my online work in the morning instead of the afternoon. {It paid off too- I finished my book and sent it to my editor. Hooray!}

I also did some reading and watched a movie with my children after the school work was complete. Around noon I got up and dressed, and we planned the afternoon. One day I met my husband for lunch and then drove the kids to the park; the next day we walked  to the park, grabbing some friends on the way to play with us. The third afternoon we went to the library and spent the afternoon playing and reading.

Each afternoon (after our outings) I got busy on my household chores. Got a bit behind in laundry (folding, that is) but the house stayed pretty neat because we spent the morning in one room.

Even more than the relief of a change of schedule and the enjoyment of more one on one time with my children was the surprise of how much energy I had in the afternoons. It was unbelievable. I felt like super mom, super pastor’s wife, super cook, super everything. {ha- I’m back to reality now}

Some of you know that I struggle with some chronic health issues resulting from my pregnancies. One of them is adrenal fatigue {I dare you not to google it}. 🙂  My energy levels are low anyway, but last week taught me how much more I can get done when I conserve my energy and generate it specifically. Instead of spending the morning in a whirlwind of housework and homeschooling and ending up zonked for the rest of the day, I’m learning how to maximize  my energy through the whole day by conserving it.

Most of you are thinking, “I WISH I could spend my mornings in bed!”

Well, so do I. Reality returns. And this week I’m Martha again. But hopefully with a Mary heart. 🙂

Hey, let’s chat! What is your best time of day? What measures do you take to conserve energy?

8 thoughts on “Conserving Energy {And Why I Changed My Name Last Week}

  1. Sounds so lovely. My “normal” morning routine (when hubby is working a normal schedule and i’m not in the middle of moving to another state that is) is to wake up, get hubby off for work, then check FB, twitter, and work on blogging between 8-10 (ish) while Ezra watches Netflix. Then a mid-morning shower and then get started on the day really closer to 10. Some mornings like MOPS and Bible study mornings are an exception, but honestly I don’t like to have to be anywhere earlier than 9 if I can help it! I really have missed having my morning coffee and time to myself over the last 2 months…no one really understands how hard it has been to not have that time and why I feel a little more stretched…that’s an introvert for you.

    1. I’m a “not morning person introvert” too. 🙂 So I totally get your stretched feeling. Even though I could never have this experimental routine every day, just doing it for 3 days in a row helped me tremendously with my stress level. And the house didn’t go to shambles, so what was to lose? 🙂

  2. My best time of day is early morning. The earlier the better…if I can just get past those first 10 minutes of being awake! I get the most accomplished before noon. Then, when 5:00 p.m. comes it’s all downhill. I’m a struggling-to-walk-zombie by 8:30.

  3. I’ve learned to use videos for the kids and not feel guilty about it at this stage in life. It’s what I need to do. We all stay in one room, so there’s no mess being made, I’m able to rest up enough for the next phase of the day (lunch, supper, whatever), and I don’t go crazy. You do what you have to do. Glad you got some much-needed rest! I understand!

  4. See, I knew some of you great gals already had this figured out! haha It feels good to have a plan for when my A.F. acts up. Or maybe I should do it BEFORE it acts up so it’s more proactive. 🙂

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