Helpful Websites

*Church Leaders -Helpful articles for ministry leaders

*Desiring God- A wide range of articles for church ministry

*The Gospel Coalition– Website with ministry related articles as well as periodic conferences for Christian leaders.

*Thom Rainer: Pastor, blogger, and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources. His site offers many resources for pastors and wives including articles, podcasts, and books

*Leading and Loving It: Website, Facebook group, and conference specifically geared for the encouragement of women in ministry

*Velvet Ashes– An online community of encouragement for missionary women serving overseas

*Just Moved: Articles applicable to transition in ministry

*Contagious Joy: Website that connects ministry wives for Bible study and prayer

*Just Between Us: Website and online magazine with resources for pastor’s wives and women in ministry

*Clergy Care Ministry @ Focus on the Family Canada: Articles, prayer support, confidential support for pastors’ wives through toll free number and email

*Grace Covers Me– Blog written by church planter’s wife Christine Hoover

*Pastors’ Wives Thriving– Support system for pastors’ wives

*Creative Ladies Ministry– Website/Blog by Julia Bettencourt with ideas for ladies ministry