31 Days of Prayer for Your Pastor Husband, 31 Days of Praying for Your Pastor

{Day 20}: Godly Friendships


Key Phrase: Godly Friendships

Key Scripture: Proverbs 27:17

Iron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.

Prayer Guide for Church Members:

“God, surround my pastor with Godly friends.  Let me, as a church member, be one of those friends. Bring people into his life who will extend grace to him and show him genuine love. Strengthen the bonds of his relationships through the fellowship of sharing Christ together. Give him trusted sources of encouragement and confidence, both within his ministry and with other pastors. At the same time, let him be a Godly friend to others. Let him mirror You as the friend of sinners. And when he finds himself lonely, may he draw closer to You, his best Friend. God, surround my pastor with Godly friends. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

Prayer Guide for Pastors’ Wives:

“God, surround my husband with Godly friends.  Let me, as his wife, be his most trusted earthly friend. Bring people into his life who will extend grace to him and show him genuine love. Strengthen the bonds of his relationships through the fellowship of sharing Christ together. Give him trusted sources of encouragement and confidence, both within his ministry and with other pastors. At the same time, let him be a Godly friend to others. Let him mirror You as the friend of sinners. And when he finds himself lonely, may he draw closer to You, his best Friend. God, surround my husband with Godly friends. In Jesus’ name, amen.”