Today’s catch phrase is:
Love people where they are.
Maybe that phrase sounds cliche, but this might possibly be one of the hardest parts of ministry! God gives spiritual leaders such a passionate vision for His work. And often we get caught up in the doing of the vision. We dream and hope and pray and visualize the future. We see the potential in people. We focus on what they “could be” or “will be someday.” We get frustrated with immaturity and unChristlike behavior within the church. We grieve when counseling ends with someone going headlong astray instead of coming back to God’s Word and way. We shudder when sin is covered and pray for God to reveal it and to deal with it.
But we also forget.
We forget that God is still patiently working in hearts, gradually bringing people along. We forget that the Word of God is ALIVE- that it is “quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” {Hebrews 4:12} We forget that God is always working to bring people back to Himself. We forget that God is just, and that He does deal with sin.
And guess what? We forget that He is always doing that with US, the leaders, as well. We haven’t arrived or reached a plateau where we don’t need to grow. It may be that God has matured us more quickly for the work He has for us. But the vision shouldn’t overshadow the present reality that is our ministry. We need to maintain a good balance of both vision and reality in such a way that we:
Visualize the future. Maximize the present.
God is not in a hurry. Can I say that again? God. is. not. in. a. hurry. He took His time when He was on earth, and still today He works outside of time to accomplish His will. Just as children grow without us seeing it happen, people are growing and changing as well. Sometimes they change for the worse, and sometimes for the better. And often God uses those very ones to change US.
This was one of the biggest lessons I learned in our first ministry. While we were focused on what we could accomplish/see God do in the church, God was more focused on changing and molding us to become more like Him. And really, that is always what He is busy doing in our lives. Like rocks clanging and rolling against rocks on the beach until they become as smooth as glass, God uses our interactions and circumstances in ministry to change us. Sometimes we find that the vision we had wasn’t the same vision that God had. And other times we realize that it just wasn’t the right time.
So while you’re embracing the ministry God has for you, don’t stop dreaming for the future. But make an effort, by God’s grace, to
Love people where they are.
Someone did it for you. Give back and do it for your flock.
Let’s Chat: Do you find it hard to maximize the present while visualizing the future? How has God taught you to focus more on His workings in your heart than His workings in others? As always, I love to hear from my readers!
Oh Leah, this is so perfectly spoken. You are right on. My husband and I started using the phrase “give people room to grow”… Just as the potted lily I once had… It could only grow if it was in a pot big enough to let the roots stretch out. It needed room to grow. I’m thankful for people who give ME room to grow! I have a lot of growing to do! I’m like you, and see the potential in people and could get so frustrated and impatient when they weren’t reaching it fast enough. I took the burden upon myself… What can I do to get them to take the next step? Or, I took the blame for their lack of growth… If only I had visited them more, or called them more…etc… I can’t force people to grow. I can’t minister to people enough to make their hearts change. God is the heart worker, not me. I just need to love them, and give them an environment to grow. Thanks Leah!
Leah, I loved reading this. I so want to live this way–patient with people I disciple and pour into because we are ALL in process. And God is so IN the process for each one of us. I love that you said He’s not in a hurry. SO. TRUE. I’m so thankful for that. For the fact that His ultimate goal is intimacy with us along the journey toward becoming more like Him, and not us reaching some far-away destination. Anyway, yeah. I just so appreciate your heart in this post, friend. Thank you!! xoxo
I had to learn this one the hard way! I try to remind myself how patient my Saviour is with me, just to keep the right perspective. Thanks for writing!
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