Family, Five Minute Friday, God's Power, Life Lessons, Prayer

Stories of Grace: The Gift of Citizenship

On Tuesday, March 11th, we joined a crowd of possibly 400 people to accept one of the biggest gifts we’ve ever received. Myself, my husband, and 235 others were candidates for Canadian citizenship. From all around the world we came, bringing together a delightful blend of languages, cultures, and life journeys. With our left hands… Read More Stories of Grace: The Gift of Citizenship

Family, Mothering, Recipes, Relationships

Recipe for a “Got Saved” Party

Our Tiny Daughter recently got saved on January 5th, 2014. A few days after this most happy occasion, she asked me one morning, “Mommy, can we have a ‘got saved’ party?” I thought it was a brilliant idea, and it turned out to be one of the most special and memorable parties we’ve ever had.… Read More Recipe for a “Got Saved” Party

Compassion, Family, Grace Parenting, Mothering, Parenting/Family

4 Words Every Mom Needs to Hear{t}

(Note: I {sadly} realize that there are situations in our world where moms do not make right choices for their children. This post is meant to be read in a general sense.) She was the waitress who brought our heaping plates of Chinese cuisine in the little seaside restaurant. Our family and another family were… Read More 4 Words Every Mom Needs to Hear{t}

Family, Ministry, Mothering, Parenting/Family

Moms, Embrace the Mundane. You Are Raising Blossoms Rare

Recently I came across this poem in my “Streams In The Desert” devotional book. It encouraged me deeply. Reminded me that there is glory in the mundane, blessing in the everyday. This is where God meets us and changes us to be more like Him! I longed to walk along an easy road, And leave… Read More Moms, Embrace the Mundane. You Are Raising Blossoms Rare