
Why It’s Quiet Around Here…

Hello friends! I hardly want to admit how long it’s been since I’ve blogged… It’s that time of year again, and I’m an active pastor’s wife, so my time has been consumed  with practicing and playing for cantatas and concerts, decorating and organizing Christmas events for ladies and teens. Oh, yes, I’m first a mom,… Read More Why It’s Quiet Around Here…


The “I Heart Christmas” Giveaway 2013

It’s that time again around here- time for our annual “I Heart Christmas” giveaway! And this year we also have something else to celebrate: Embracing Grace is ONE YEAR old this month {November}. God has blessed my little online corner so much through you. Yes, you, my readers. I have both cried and rejoiced as… Read More The “I Heart Christmas” Giveaway 2013