Dear Pastor's Wife

Dear Pastor’s Wife: The Tears That Shape Our Memories

Dear Pastor’s Wife, Have you ever been basking in joy and anticipation, only to find the joy muddled up by tears and pain? I have, too. And I’ve thought ruefully, “The memories of this event/occasion will be ruined forever by the sadness that overshadowed the joy.”  One of these occasions for me was just over… Read More Dear Pastor’s Wife: The Tears That Shape Our Memories

Live by Grace

Even On Your Best Day

We’ve just taken a trip across the world. With our children.  And, as anyone who travels abroad knows, traveling can bring out both the best and the worst within a human being. Navigating airports, time constraints and delays, long haul flights, new cities, new foods, and jet lag…the high of “I can’t believe we’ve successfully… Read More Even On Your Best Day

Dear Pastor's Wife

Dear Pastor’s Wife: Your Heart Under A Bush

Dear Pastor’s Wife, I’ve had something on my heart lately that I want to share. I hope it is both a deep encouragement and a timely challenge- to you and to myself.  I’m concerned that your heart may be under a bush, just as mine has been in the past…(and sometimes I find it there… Read More Dear Pastor’s Wife: Your Heart Under A Bush

Dear Pastor's Wife

Dear Pastor’s Wife: The Things We Render Dead

Dear Pastor’s Wife, You need some encouragement today? I thought so. Well, here’s a neat story of something that happened in my life lately, which I hope will lift your heart just a little. I bought a couple of poinsettias a few weeks before Christmas- so our home would be graced with fresh flowers. Fresh… Read More Dear Pastor’s Wife: The Things We Render Dead