Dear Pastor's Wife, Gospel Centered Ministry, Ministry, Pastors' Wives, Theology

Dear Pastor’s Wife: How To Know That Your Labor Is Not In Vain

Dear Pastor’s Wife, I’ve had this topic and the Scripture passage of 1 Corinthians 15 on my heart and in my studies for a couple of years, letting it marinate, as I often do, before I write. What I’m about to share has radically changed the way I live and minister, and I hope it… Read More Dear Pastor’s Wife: How To Know That Your Labor Is Not In Vain

Dear Pastor's Wife

Dear Marilane (A Letter To Everyone)

Like scores of other people during the last two weeks, I’ve been glued to the story of Marilane Carter. And now, with everyone else, I am processing the devastating outcome to her disappearance. I can’t begin to fathom the depths of the family’s grief, and I find myself turning those thoughts into constant prayer on… Read More Dear Marilane (A Letter To Everyone)

Dear Pastor's Wife

Dear Pastor’s Wife: How To Keep A Gospel Perspective In Ministry

For several months, my husband and I have been working on memorizing the book of Colossians together. We are progressing slowly but surely, more slowly lately due to our recent international move to South Africa. We are still navigating the ups and downs of settling in, and finding our rhythms of life. But for a… Read More Dear Pastor’s Wife: How To Keep A Gospel Perspective In Ministry

Dear Pastor's Wife

Dear Pastor’s Wife: Unlikely Waves of Goodness

I just finished leading our third annual pastors’ wives retreat in western NC. It’s always a week of sweet community among fellow pastors’ wives that is truly blessed by God in so many abundant ways. While I would love to detail many of the things we watched God do during the planning year and at… Read More Dear Pastor’s Wife: Unlikely Waves of Goodness