Hope For Pastors' Wives, Ladies Ministry, Ministry Matters, Pastors' Wives

Ministry Matters: Why You Need to Cultivate A Holy Discontent

“Not that I speak in respect of want; for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.” Philippians 4:11 This verse was among the first I ever memorized as a young child. Interestingly, the name Leah means “contentment.” The alternate meaning is wild cow. But I digress. We’ll take the contentment meaning. My dad,… Read More Ministry Matters: Why You Need to Cultivate A Holy Discontent

Ministry, Ministry Matters

Ministry Matters: 3 Ways to Accost Your Accomplishment Addiction

“We must not evaluate our spiritual progress based on how many projects we accomplished or deadlines we met today. Our life with God is more like the planting of a garden. When we arise from sowing in the secret place, we will not usually be able to point to immediate results or benefits. What we… Read More Ministry Matters: 3 Ways to Accost Your Accomplishment Addiction