Write For Us

Gospel Glimpses

Welcome to the Hope For Pastors' Wives community! We're so glad you've found us. Here at HFPW we are passionate about encouraging our fellow pastors' wives around the world through prayer and through our shared bond in Christ's love, His Gospel, and His Word.

Our current, ongoing blog series which we are accepting article submissions for is called "Gospel Glimpses from Pastors' Wives Worldwide." In the spirit of Colossians 1:6 where the apostle Paul speaks of the Gospel being joyfully unstoppable both in individual hearts and in the entire world, we are highlighting pastors' wives around the world who are serving faithfully in their small corners.

We want to hear from you- hear some of your story- and be encouraged through getting a glimpse into how God is at work in your heart and in your corner of the world as the Gospel is increasing and bearing fruit.

Please read through our writing guidelines below before submitting an article for publication consideration:

What To Write About:

Give us a glimpse into your ministry life, whether through your personal testimony, and/or a story of how you have seen and/or are seeing the Gospel increasing and bearing fruit in your church, OR in your life personally. This could be a story of discipleship, mentoring, or any facet/ministry of your church (i.e., children's ministry, outreach ministry, distribution of the Word of God, hospitality....the possibilities are as vast as ministry itself.)

Tell us how you see the Gospel at work in and among your church family and community. Magnify Jesus, and we will rejoice with and pray for you!

Word Count:

Your article should be no more than 800 words.


Send your article as a Word doc attachment to this email address: Submissions@hopeforpastorswives.com

Along with your article, please send a short biographical paragraph about yourself.  (If you wish to remain anonymous, you can skip this part and indicate your wish in your email.)

Please Note:

*Our ministry holds to a complementarian belief based on 1 Timothy 2.

*We recognize that many of the pastors' wives in our community serve in closed countries or dangerous situations. We pray regularly for the persecuted church, and we want to hear your stories too. Please share as much or as little about yourself and your location as you are comfortable with.

*After we receive it, your article will be considered for publication. If chosen, you will be notified of the date of publication via email.

We look forward to hearing from you!