Dear Pastor's Wife, Gospel Centered Ministry, Ministry, Pastors' Wives, Theology

Dear Pastor’s Wife: How To Know That Your Labor Is Not In Vain

Dear Pastor’s Wife, I’ve had this topic and the Scripture passage of 1 Corinthians 15 on my heart and in my studies for a couple of years, letting it marinate, as I often do, before I write. What I’m about to share has radically changed the way I live and minister, and I hope it… Read More Dear Pastor’s Wife: How To Know That Your Labor Is Not In Vain

Dear Pastor's Wife

Dear Marilane (A Letter To Everyone)

Like scores of other people during the last two weeks, I’ve been glued to the story of Marilane Carter. And now, with everyone else, I am processing the devastating outcome to her disappearance. I can’t begin to fathom the depths of the family’s grief, and I find myself turning those thoughts into constant prayer on… Read More Dear Marilane (A Letter To Everyone)

Pastors' Wives, Theology, Truth

5 Reasons Why Every Pastor’s Wife Should Study Theology

Just over a year ago, my husband and I embarked on the process to become certified biblical counselors with ACBC. We did the training and reading, and then just kind of stalled from progress during our move overseas and subsequent orientation period. But recently I’ve picked up my pace again, and lately I find myself… Read More 5 Reasons Why Every Pastor’s Wife Should Study Theology


Ministry Is Awkward (And What To Do About It)

I remember the first time I prayed with another woman.She had just shared a burden with me. I didn’t expect the rush of awkwardness that descended inside me right after I said, “Can I pray with you right now?” Nor did I expect to lose all sense of the English language as I fumbled for words and prayed a parallel prayer that my awkward prayer would make sense. … Read More Ministry Is Awkward (And What To Do About It)