Marriage, Ministry, Prayer

Give the Gift of Prayer~ A Free Printable Calendar for Wives

Today I wanted to make you aware of a new free resource on my blog, just in time for Valentine’s Day!  I can’t think of a better gift for your spouse than the commitment to pray consistently and specifically for him (I’m assuming that most of ya’ll are gals).

About a year and a half ago, I began using a calendar similar to this one (found it online somewhere- don’t remember where!).  I was very  surprised and so, so blessed to reap the results of praying for my husband!  In a way, my calendar became a source of comfort to me during a very rocky year. We saw God answer prayer in some really amazing ways, and often my topic of prayer would coordinate with what my husband was facing that day. He came home and told me about his day, and many times I said, “I prayed for you about that today!” Neither one of us could have planned it that well- but God knew!

Even beyond praying for my husband, using the prayer calendar changed me. Instead of an attitude of “God, change my husband” (which we often carry into marriage) it was “God, bless my husband and change me.”  I’m pretty sure that in the process, we were both changed AND blessed!

This year I have designed a new calendar, and have made the topics more specific to the roles of a man. Yesterday I printed mine off and laminated it. Today I’ll reveal it to my husband and then hang it above my sink and begin using it. I really enjoyed making it and looking up the verses to go with each topic. I encourage you to look up the verses as well and become familiar with them, so that you can pray Scripturally and specifically.

Please feel free to download this calendar for your own use, and share it with your friends. Let’s encourage each other by resolving to pray for our husbands.

 Let’s watch God change us and use us through giving the gift of prayer!

 Below is a screenshot of the calendar. To download it, click here or go to my home page and click on “Printable Prayer Calendar” in the menu bar. The document is a PDF from my Dropbox.

10 thoughts on “Give the Gift of Prayer~ A Free Printable Calendar for Wives

    1. I’m so glad the calendar is a blessing to you! Yes, I agree- I need the guidance to keep me consistent and make my prayer time more purposeful. Thanks for taking the time to drop me a note. 🙂

  1. What a great resource, Leah! I love the idea of having specific and different focuses for praying each day for our husbands. And what a cute calendar you’ve created for all of us to enjoy! Thanks for your generous heart and for linking up with Wedded Wednesday. I hope to see you again this coming Wednesday!

    1. I’m so glad you are being blessed by the calendar. It’s kind of like opening a gift each day when I go downstairs and see what the day’s topic is. 🙂 Thank you for your encouraging words!

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