Be Faithful, Brokenness, Build Relationships, Hope For Pastors' Wives, Ministry, Ministry Matters

Ministry Matters: On the Value of Staying Small

The wind whipped and roared as I stepped out on the front porch to “see” Hurricane Florence as she made her grand appearance. After snapping some photos and taking some video clips, I turned to go back inside when something caught my eye. A spider’s web, partially damaged and dusted with rain drops, was swinging… Read More Ministry Matters: On the Value of Staying Small

Build Relationships, Energize Your Ministry, Every Pastor Needs a Sabbatical, Ladies Ministry, Pastors' Wives, Relationships

Ministry Matters: 6 Ways To Become A Better Listener

One would think that the art of listening is a ‘given’ with pastors’ wives. I mean, we spend SO much time listening to people- we listen to our husbands preach, we listen to the elderly tell of their physical ailments along with stories of yesterday and yesteryear. We listen to complaints and accusations. And sometimes… Read More Ministry Matters: 6 Ways To Become A Better Listener

#HopeForPastorsWives, Build Relationships, Life Lessons, Ministry, Pastors' Wives

5 Things Every Pastor’s Wife Wants You to Know After Her Husband Resigns

There’s been a big wave of pastoral resignations lately, both with friends of mine in real life, and among the many pastoral families that I have contact with in my online communities. While a resignation may be, in its simplest form, a date on the calendar that marks the end of one season and the… Read More 5 Things Every Pastor’s Wife Wants You to Know After Her Husband Resigns

Build Relationships, Compassion, Life Lessons, Live by Grace, Pastor's Wife, Pastors' Wives, Practical Tips

Ministry Matters: The Essential Oil of Empathy

A few nights ago, Tiny Daughter was preparing to go to bed. She skipped into the kitchen where I was washing dishes, hands deep in hot soapy water. She wanted one last kiss and hug. I dried my hands and obliged her, and as we pulled apart, she said something that stopped me in my… Read More Ministry Matters: The Essential Oil of Empathy

Build Relationships, Character Development, Energize Your Ministry, Life Lessons, Live by Grace, Mentor One Another, Relationships

Ministry Matters: How to Mentor and Be Mentored {When You’re a Pastor’s Wife}

Last fall I attended a Christian blogger’s conference for the third time. As usual, I met some fascinating, Godly  women. One of those women just “happened” to sit beside me at lunch, and we struck up a conversation about what we are passionate about. Turns out, this lady and I had some neat connections from… Read More Ministry Matters: How to Mentor and Be Mentored {When You’re a Pastor’s Wife}