Be Faithful, Brokenness, Build Relationships, Hope For Pastors' Wives, Ministry, Ministry Matters

Ministry Matters: On the Value of Staying Small

The wind whipped and roared as I stepped out on the front porch to “see” Hurricane Florence as she made her grand appearance. After snapping some photos and taking some video clips, I turned to go back inside when something caught my eye. A spider’s web, partially damaged and dusted with rain drops, was swinging… Read More Ministry Matters: On the Value of Staying Small

Be Faithful, Brokenness, Culture Shock, Every Pastor Needs a Sabbatical, Marriage, Ministry, Pastors' Wives, Relationships, Rest, Sabbaticals are Life Savers

Sabbatical Surprises {6 Month Report}

I came to this writing place three weeks in a row to give you my promised sabbatical update. But no words came. If you’ve followed our sabbatical, you know by now that it has been an evolution of sorts- a time that keeps changing and shifting and teaching and shaping. A lot has changed just… Read More Sabbatical Surprises {6 Month Report}

Be Faithful, Build Relationships, Character Development, Ladies Ministry, Life in the Glass House, Life Lessons, Live by Grace, Ministry, Pastors' Wives

Ministry Matters: How to Embrace Being An Outsider

I walked past the end table in that doctor’s office, and a propped up poster caught my eye. It read in bold, impossible to miss letters: Be An Outsider I may or may not have stopped in my tracks, shuddered a bit, then recovered and snapped a picture of it with my phone. The idea… Read More Ministry Matters: How to Embrace Being An Outsider

Be Faithful, Brokenness, Ladies Ministry, Life in the Glass House, Live by Grace, Ministry, Pastors' Wives

Ministry Matters: Grace Giver… or Graceless Wounder?

Recently as I rounded the corner of our subdivision on my morning walk, I inhaled a nose full of a wonderful scent. Scanning the area, I didn’t see any flowers, and being new to the south, I didn’t recognize the scent. It wasn’t until my second lap that I pinpointed the sweet culprit- a young… Read More Ministry Matters: Grace Giver… or Graceless Wounder?

Be Faithful, Brokenness, Build Relationships, Character Development, Energize Your Ministry, Ladies Ministry, Life in the Glass House, Ministry, Pastors' Wives, Relationships

Ministry Matters: Your Opposition Will Open Doors

“I don’t like what you’re doing.” The message of opposition marches boldly, and never so often or as direct as in the life of a ministry family. It really shouldn’t surprise us, but it does. Opposition comes when we least expect it. In our years in ministry, my husband and I have often shaken our heads… Read More Ministry Matters: Your Opposition Will Open Doors