Be Faithful, Brokenness, Build Relationships, Hope For Pastors' Wives, Ministry, Ministry Matters

Ministry Matters: On the Value of Staying Small

The wind whipped and roared as I stepped out on the front porch to “see” Hurricane Florence as she made her grand appearance. After snapping some photos and taking some video clips, I turned to go back inside when something caught my eye. A spider’s web, partially damaged and dusted with rain drops, was swinging… Read More Ministry Matters: On the Value of Staying Small

Brokenness, Every Pastor Needs a Sabbatical, Life Lessons, Sabbaticals are Life Savers

Sabbatical Reflections {12 Month Report}

The phone rang early one morning a few weeks ago. It was my husband, not thirty minutes gone from home on his way to work: “I was just thinking about our life this year. You know, how the kids are so cute and it’s fun having them little. And the amazing ways that God gave… Read More Sabbatical Reflections {12 Month Report}

#HopeForPastorsWives, Brokenness, Ministry, Relationships, Sabbaticals are Life Savers, Stories of Grace

Ministry Matters {Christmas Edition}: How Fear is the Gateway to Joy

Every year it seems that God impresses a different aspect of the Christmas story on my heart in an indelible way, causing me to value His advent a little more than the previous year. This season has been incredibly rich. I’ve chosen to be mostly “unplugged” from social media and my phone in order to… Read More Ministry Matters {Christmas Edition}: How Fear is the Gateway to Joy

Brokenness, Healing, Life Lessons, Ministry, Pastors' Wives, Rest, Sabbaticals are Life Savers

7 Ways to Nurture Your Heart in a Season of Pain

Early last year our Small Son broke a couple of bones in his foot. He jumped off the couch- a mere 18 inches off the ground- and landed in a crying heap. We thought his foot was just sprained so we gave him the option of either going to the Wednesday evening service or staying… Read More 7 Ways to Nurture Your Heart in a Season of Pain

Be Faithful, Brokenness, Culture Shock, Every Pastor Needs a Sabbatical, Marriage, Ministry, Pastors' Wives, Relationships, Rest, Sabbaticals are Life Savers

Sabbatical Surprises {6 Month Report}

I came to this writing place three weeks in a row to give you my promised sabbatical update. But no words came. If you’ve followed our sabbatical, you know by now that it has been an evolution of sorts- a time that keeps changing and shifting and teaching and shaping. A lot has changed just… Read More Sabbatical Surprises {6 Month Report}