Character Development, God's Power, Life Lessons, Stories of Grace

Grace For Little Things

It was just a can opener. But it was a Kitchen Aid can opener, supposed to be good quality and last for years, and I couldn’t get it to work! (You have one, too, don’t you? I knew it.) Supper time…Wednesday night. Church in 2 hours. It was the icing on the cupcake of a day’s life:… Read More Grace For Little Things

Life Lessons, Ministry, Mothering, Parenting/Family, Stories of Grace

Dear One Who Feels Like What You Do Doesn’t Matter…

Three heads bend low over a first grade science book.  Small Son and Tiny Daughter listen eagerly as I read simple facts about their bodies. Turn the page. I read about hair, then hands, fingers… fingerprints. Tell them that God made each person in the world to have a different pattern in their fingerprints. (Have… Read More Dear One Who Feels Like What You Do Doesn’t Matter…

Grace Parenting, Life Lessons, Stories of Grace

Stories of Grace: Surrender

We walk hand in hand, Tiny Daughter and I. Walk briskly to avoid the biting wind, our boots crunching on a layer of freshly fallen snow. Tiny Daughter is chattering about some change that she possesses, that she received from Small Son. How she wants to buy some chocolate for Brother “and for you, Mom.”… Read More Stories of Grace: Surrender

Grace Parenting, Parenting/Family, Stories of Grace

Stories of Grace: Motherhood and Hot Chocolate

I lounge in a sunbeam on my living room floor, basking in the natural warmth and the rare pleasure of an after-lunch snooze. It’s my happy spot on a wintry afternoon. Another happy place is brimming with fun for Small Son and Tiny Daughter. From my place in the sun I can hear two little… Read More Stories of Grace: Motherhood and Hot Chocolate