Stories of Grace

Stories of Grace: I Need To See Your Face

“Mommy?” Her tiny voice sounded from beneath the wooden dock where my husband and I were casting our fishing line into the sparkling pond at our home. “Yes?” I answered, mirroring her voice inflection. “Mommy?!” She chirped again, and this time her voice was accompanied with a vigorous splashing as she swam out from beneath… Read More Stories of Grace: I Need To See Your Face

#HopeForPastorsWives, Brokenness, Ministry, Relationships, Sabbaticals are Life Savers, Stories of Grace

Ministry Matters {Christmas Edition}: How Fear is the Gateway to Joy

Every year it seems that God impresses a different aspect of the Christmas story on my heart in an indelible way, causing me to value His advent a little more than the previous year. This season has been incredibly rich. I’ve chosen to be mostly “unplugged” from social media and my phone in order to… Read More Ministry Matters {Christmas Edition}: How Fear is the Gateway to Joy

Mothering, Parenting/Family, Prayer, Stories of Grace

Stories of Grace: Even Mittens

They’re tired. The coats and the hats and the mittens and gloves, the boots and the leggings and windbreakers are tired. It’s the middle of winter and there’s no end in sight to the snow. So the mittens? They just give up sometimes. Small Son’s mittens gave up in a big way. Those turquoise and… Read More Stories of Grace: Even Mittens

Character Development, Life Lessons, Stories of Grace

Stories of Grace: “Just a Plain Ordinary Person”

She sat on my piano bench, eyes wide with anticipation as I explained what the music festival would be like. “They’ll assign you a day and a time and you’ll go to the capitol theatre and play your pieces. You’ll be competing against others who are in your same playing level.” “Will there be judges?… Read More Stories of Grace: “Just a Plain Ordinary Person”

Family, Friendship, God's Power, Life Lessons, Relationships, Stories of Grace

Stories of Grace: An Adoption Amazing

Sunday afternoon in a balmy August in Canada. Lonely bleating in the distance reminded us that we were on a sheep farm. Would the kids like to go and watch them shear the sheep? Of course they would. And so we wound through country vegetable gardens and tire swings and border collies to the rustic… Read More Stories of Grace: An Adoption Amazing