Build Relationships, Character Development, Energize Your Ministry, Friendship, Life Lessons, Live by Grace, Ministry, Relationships

Ministry Matters: If It Weren’t for People

“Ministry would be easy if it weren’t for people” is a common phrase that pastors and pastors’ wives chuckle over. We know it’s silly, because ministry is people- it would be pointless without them. And…we ourselves are part of those “people” we are referring to. No matter what walk of life you find yourself in… Read More Ministry Matters: If It Weren’t for People

Family, Friendship, God's Power, Life Lessons, Relationships, Stories of Grace

Stories of Grace: An Adoption Amazing

Sunday afternoon in a balmy August in Canada. Lonely bleating in the distance reminded us that we were on a sheep farm. Would the kids like to go and watch them shear the sheep? Of course they would. And so we wound through country vegetable gardens and tire swings and border collies to the rustic… Read More Stories of Grace: An Adoption Amazing

Family, Friendship, Marriage, Rest

Why I’m Leaving My Husband {But Not For Good}

Yes, it’s true. I’m leaving my husband. It’s not for lack of wedded bliss {8 years so far and it gets better all the time!} It’s because we live just one hour from that dreamy vacation land, Prince Edward Island. Eat your hearts out, friends. Some of our close family friends from Nova Scotia have… Read More Why I’m Leaving My Husband {But Not For Good}

Friendship, Life Lessons, Ministry, Relationships

Some Things I’m Trying Not To Think About…

This past Friday I had the rare opportunity to spend the day with 3 other pastors’/missionary wives. A few weeks ago we were all together at a board meeting dinner, and we decided we needed a day of thrift store shopping. “Let’s make this happen,” we said. Amazingly, we found a day that worked for… Read More Some Things I’m Trying Not To Think About…

Family, Friendship, Ministry, Mothering, Parenting/Family, Relationships

Even Moms Struggle On Mother’s Day

I was sitting in church listening to the Mother’s Day service that Sunday in 2006. I say ‘listening’ because I didn’t feel like part of the service. All of the festivities were swirling around me, making no sense. The tiny life of our first baby was within me, now and again fluttering to make its… Read More Even Moms Struggle On Mother’s Day